Digital Electronics

Vartul Sharma
Last Update September 15, 2022

About This Course

This course introduces the digital electronics introduction, number system and minimization techniques. This course provides videos lectures and quizzes to test your understanding of the concepts presented.


These videos are publicly available on the internet for free hence they may contain some advertisements. The ads earning goes to the respective instructor.

Learning Objectives

Understanding of digital electronics, number systems and minimization techniques.


  • The Free Courses does not include Certificate and Q&A Sections.

Target Audience

  • Electronics, Electrical and related Engineering Students.


26 Lessons9h


A Typical Digital System17:27
Logic Gates38:52
How to design a Digital Clock?19:59

Number System

Minimization of Boolean Functions


Your Instructors

Vartul Sharma

1 Course
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112 Students
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