This book is not authored or published by semiconductor club. All credits goes to respective author and publisher.
- Title: Theory And Design Of Electronic Circuits
- Size: 3 MB
- Page: 493 Pages
- Page Color: Color Page
- Year: –
- Author: Eugenio Máximo Tait
- Country: US
- Branch: Electrical, Electronics
- Chapters: 41 Chapters
- Edition: –
- Generalities
- Polarization of components
- Dissipator of heat
- Inductors of small value
- Transformers of small value
- Inductors and Transformers of great value
- Power supply without stabilizing
- Power supply stabilized
- Amplification of Audiofrecuency in low-level class A
- Amplification of Audiofrecuenciy on high-level classes A and B
- Amplification of Radiofrequency in low-level class A
- Amplification of Radiofrequency in low-level class C
- Amplifiers of Continuous
- Harmonic oscillators
- Relaxation oscillators
- Makers of waves
- The Transistor in the commutation
- Multivibrators
- Combinations and Sequentials
- Passive networks as adapters of impedance
- Passive networks as filters of frequency (I Part)
- Passive networks as filters of frequency (II Part)
- Active networks as filters of frequency and displaced of phase (I Part)
- Active networks as filters of frequency and displaced of phase (II Part)
- Amplitude Modulation
- Demodulación of Amplitude
- Modulation of Angle
- Demodulation of Angle
- Heterodyne receivers
- Lines of Transmission
- Antennas and Propagation
- Electric and Electromechanical installations
- Control of Power (I Part)
- Control of Power (II Part)
- Introduction to the Theory of the Control
- Discreet and Retained signals
- Variables of State in a System
- Stability in Systems
- Feedback of the State in a System
- An estimate of the State in a System
- Controllers of the State in a System
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