
System Verilog Assertion Binding (SVA Bind)

System Verilog Assertion Binding (SVA Bind)

System Verilog Assertion Binding (SVA Bind)

Now a days we use to deal with modules of Verilog or VHDL or combination of both. Mostly verification engineers are not allowed to modified these modules. But still SVA addition to these modules are required and easy to verify lot of RTL functionality. How can you add SVA to these modules?  Let’s find out !!

Here is where System Verilog ‘bind’ comes into the picture. Generally you create a SVA bind file and instantiate sva module with RTL module.SVA bind file requires assertions to be wrapped in module that includes port declaration, So now lets understand this with a small example to understand basic things on  how to use SVA bind

module DUT_dummy (output logic [7:0] out,
                  output logic x,
                  input logic wr, rd, clk, rst,
                  input logic [7:0] in);
  //DUT Logic
endmodule : DUT_dummy
module SVA_dummy (input [7:0] out, in,
                  input x,
                  input wr, rd, clk, rst_n);
  `assert_async_rst(!rst_n |-> ...
  `assert_clk (x > 1 |-> out);
endmodule : SVA_dummy
module TB();
  logic [7:0] out;
  logic x;
  logic wr, rd, clk, rst;
  logic [7:0] in;
  DUT_dummy DUT_U1 (.*);
  //Binding with SVA using implicit port connection
  bind DUT_dummy : DUT_U1 SVA_dummy sva (.*);
endmodule : TB

Here, you can see that there is DUT instantiation created DUT_u1 instance of DUT_dummy. Now point of interest for us would be, how to bind DUT instance to SVA module.

To understand this take a look at example where you could see ‘bind’ keyword used with DUT_dummy module and SVA_dummy. This is the place where we are binding DUT module with SVA module. Thus passing DUT signal information to SVA module. With this we could play around with DUT signal and can check assertion properties using DUT signals available through this instantiation. If the assertion module uses the same signal names as the target module, the bind file port declarations are still required but the bind-instantiation can be done using the SystemVerilog (.*) implicit port connections that you can see in the example. If signal names are not exactly matching between target and bind file module then we need to expand the instantiation with respected port names.

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